An exciting underground adventure unfolds as you sail along a subterranean river, through the great waterfall, deep inside the spectacular Labyrinth and far into the past .... into a world of myths, legends and storytelling. Having travelled far back in time, hear tales of King Arthur and other ancient Welsh legends as you explore the dramatic underground setting.
Home to 9 craft workshops where talented craftspeople can be seen producing a unique range of crafts. Items hand crafted at the centre include traditional wooden toys, jewellery, pottery, leatherware, candles, designer cards and gift bags, glassware, rustic furniture and herbal lotions and remedies. You can also have a go at making your own crafts in many of the workshops.
In ancient times history was passed on by bards and storytellers. Bards’ Quest challenges you to search for lost and forgotten legends hidden along the paths of time.
A rare opportunity to explore an abandoned Welsh slate mine with one of Wales’ most experienced mine explorers. During the trip you will find abandoned machinery, tools, candles and may other mining relics left behind by the miners when the slate mine closed in the early 1970s. A section of this old Braichgoch Slate Mine is occupied by the King Arthur’s Labyrinth adventure and during the mine exploration trips you can look down on the adventure; like a behind the scenes tour. Corris Mine Explorers is open all year and bookings should be made in advance of arrival.